the orb


greetings and welcome to Magickal Apparel!

My name is Lisa love and i am the creator of Magickal apparel.

I am absolutely delighted that you are here!

did you know that you are Magick?

we are all made of magickal stuff and it is time to remember who you really are!

a magickal being!

when we were children we believed in Magick, but then we grew up and had to become responsible. we have families to take care of, careers, and for some, life just happened and you have no idea of where the time went.

i get it.

that was me when i worked overnights for 14 years. I was an assistant manager for a major retail company, and somewhere along the way i developed some very overwhelmingly anxious feelings of failure and a horrible fear of speaking in public. i was overworked and well you know, significantly underpaid. as much as i tried to ignore those feelings. i could not. i made a very tough decision to leave management and save my soul, and i was better for it!

i had forgotten who i was and how magickal i am.

my magickal journey has been a sequence of highs and lows, but over time i have learned that love and gratitude will always sustain me. embracing our low moments grant us the opportunity to cherish the high moments even more, and not take them for granted.

through my experiences, the light, the dark, and the unpleasant; i am able to navigate my way through this Magickal journey of life.

we all have a story, whether you believe in magick or not.

but how could you not?1

my guess is that if you made it here…you do!

more than Magick i believe in the power of miracles. and miracles occur every day!

we are magickal miracles!

Magickal Apparel clothing allows you to tap into your very own magickal self- through fashionable creative expression. it is my belief that we are here to experience one another and to love and accept one another unconditionally.

the Orb Newsletter will be used to communicate shop updates, as well as life tips, affirmations, herbal information for teas, and much, much more! i may even write a spell or two!

this is our time to shine, to own our magick and call our power back unto ourselves.

Believe in yourself! you are magickal.

thank you again for being magickally you!

Spellbindly yours,

lisa love

magickal apparel CEO