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St. Patrick’s Day~ Green Crystals

St. Patrick’s Day is here and most of you will be gathering with friends and family to celebrate the festivities. for some, this will be an all day extravaganza. for others it may mean a quiet evening at home catching up on your favorite show. wherever the wind takes you, travel safely.

traditions vary amongst the people. some of my traditions have been to wear my favorite green socks, rocking some exciting green eyeshadow or lipstick, even wearing and amazing green eyeshadow. and yes, bar hopping.

one of the things i love the most about St. Patricks Day is that everything, and i mean everything, is GREEN, and i love it! Green has been my favorite color since i was a wee sprite.

With the onset of spring, nature is rustling itself from a long winter’s slumber, and the color of nature has become ubiquitous once more. Trees are showing us that we too can be strong and resilient. The signs are all around us if we choose to pay attention.

I like to carry, or wear my crystals on a daily basis. i am a crystal lover and jewelry designer. Most of the time i can be seen wearing one of my natural crystal beaded bracelets. Mostly all of the time, i have multiple crystals in my bag.

Crystals are gifts that Mother Earth has bestowed upon us. Every crystal holds its own unique set of metaphysical and healing properties. crystals do not need us to believe in their healing powers, because they believe in themselves.

Ok. So about the Green crystals for St. Patrick’s Day…

  • Green Aventurine

    Green Aventurine is a beautiful crystal with a soothing energy, a symbol of luck and prosperity.

    Aventurine, derived from italian ”a Ventura”, meaning “by chance”.

    Green Aventurine aligns with spring because it shimmers with optimism and new beginnings!

  • Green Jade

    Green Jade has been a beloved crystal since the beginning of time.

    Having a strong connection with Mother earth, green Jade carries nurturing qualities.

    Green Jade is known for transmuting negative energy into positive energy.

    A stone widely used for manifesting prosperity and abundance

  • Malachite

    The Stone of Transformation- Malachite is known for its amazing ability to “soak up” negative Disruptive energies and past traumas.

    it is also known as the “invisibility Stone”, Shielding you from energy vampires and other people’s negative junk.

    Malachite is like a Negative energy Vacuum, so cleanse it regularly to keep it working properly.

  • peridot

    peridot is an amazing crystal and gemstone, it is also the birthstone for August.

    Peridot is a highly protective crystal that is said to keep low vibrational energies away.

    associated with wealth, personal power, the Sun, and manifesting your desires

  • green Moss Agate

    Green Moss Agate, also known as “the Stone of new beginnings”.

    Associated with growth, new beginnings, and renewal.

    As the name suggest, Green moss agate, assists with keeping you grounded and deeply connected to nature.

    it is also a protective stone, keeping the Negativity away.

  • Green Fluorite

    Green fluorite, symbolises growth, renewal, and emotional healing

    assists in the healing process of past traumas.

    Green fluorite cleanses and clears the aura, Dispels negativity, and replaces what has been lost in our etheric field with the love and light of the green ray.

  • moldavite

    “the stone that fell to earth”

    Moldavite came to earth via an Asteroid that collided with the earth surface more than 15 million years ago.

    it is a highly transformative stone that connects us to higher realms of Consciousness.

    Moldavite also provides protection from psychic attacks and promotes spiritual growth.

    all of these Green stones and crystals have become very popular over the past few decades, some might even say they are trending now. as you go about your St patrick’s Day celebrations remember to keep with you one of these amazing Green crystals or you may even have another green stone or crystal in mind. whatever you fancy, having your green crystals doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.

    some keywords to remember about green crystals and stones:

  • renewal

  • positivity

  • new beginnings

  • rebirth

  • prosperity

  • love

  • heart~healing

  • protection

  • growth

  • abundance

  • wealth

  • balance

  • emotional healing

  • peace

    for the love of all things Green: wishing you a happy and prosperous St. Patrick’s Day to all!